Business Technology Consulting

What is Business Technology?

I define Business Technology as the science of analyzing the current balance of those elements and determining where improvements can be made.


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Microsoft Windows DevOps Transition Consulting

I can assist your Microsoft Windows focused IT organization in starting the transition toward the DevOps/Automation world.

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IT Proposal Writing

Need help writing your IT proposal? I can assist in any technology related proposal writing.

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IT Infrastructure Scripting Projects

Need Help writing or completing a complex IT infrastructure script? Don't know where to start in creating a scripting culture within your Windows shop?  I can help with any tasks related to Windows based environment scripting.

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Since 1993

A Trusted Adviser for Your Organization

Let me help your organization utilize technology to meet your business goals. I see every organization as a system comprised of five elements:

  • People - (Employees, management and customers)
  • Tools - (Information Technology, Physical Office Space, etc.)
  • Time
  • Money
  • Raw materials for your industry ( physical materials, ideas, needs of customers)

People and tools are used to take time, money and raw materials to provide value for its customers.

My focus is on helping you with how your People use their Tools which in turn will reduce the Time & Money it takes to make Money. Technology cannot operate without people to use it and keeping it going. This produces a fundamental challenge to organizations. Technology changes rapidly and is often explained with complex language and few visuals. People and their interactions, motivations and tendencies are even hard to understand let alone effectively manage.  Looking at business in this way can be like looking into sun as it can be overwhelming and hard to take in all at once. So let me help your organization optimize the interaction of your tools and people by helping identify incremental improvements. My extensive experience with Microsoft technology focused environments will be at your disposal.

Throughout my career I have been known for adapting quickly to new environments and always looking out for best result for the overall organization. I believe my core strength is in absorbing large amounts of information and then providing a concise and accessible summary and analysis.

In my experience the people aspect of the technology equation is the one most neglected. Over the years the needs of the end user or clients have become more center stage but what is often left out is the needs of the people building and maintaining the technology. The future of business is learning to better incorporate what people need from the workplace with the needs of business as whole. Let me utilize my skills for your organization and become your trusted adviser.


Ready to find out more?

Lets talk about how I can help.

Since 1993